Category Archives: Congresses, Exhibitions & Workshops


VIRTUAL LARYNGECTOMY CONFERENCE 16/11-21/11 2020 (in English). In these strange times T-SToMA is proud to share a possibility to up-date and educate yourself with the latest in the field of Laryngectomy on-line. Please join us and learn more about eg. the Blom-Singer Voice prosthesis system supplied by us in Belgium and Luxembourg!Hear clinicians from different academic institutions in the […]


FAHL and T-SToMA had two successful days at the IFHNOS World Tour 2019 arranged by Prof. Vander Poorten and his team in Leuven, Belgium. 250 mainly European Head and Neck Oncologists attended this well organised conference.

First Tracheostomy Workshop

T-SToMA attended its first Tracheostomy workshop and shared FAHL’s product range e.g. the broad cannula range and accessories. The event is called Trachéostomie : de l’appréhension à la sérénité and was arranged by CHU UCL Namur – site Godinne 9/10/2019. Very much recommendable. Please sign up for next year’s course.

Patient information events

  Recently T-SToMA has been invited to a number of patient meetings to inform about our services. Leuven, Antwerpen, Gent, Kempen, Brussels and Hasselt. The most recent one took place in Namur.


Fahl successfully exhibited and T-SToMA supported during the European congress in Brussels 30/6-3/7. Very much enjoyable and a lot of interactions.

CHL Luxembourg

The Laryngectomy course in Luxembourg, April 2019 arranged by Prof. Remacle scored excellently. 83% of the participants expressed that the course fulfilled their (in most cases high) expectations. Guest lecturers were Dr E. Blom fr Indianapolis, USA, Prof Lawson, Prof vd Vorsten and SLP Rijckaert fr Namur, BE, Dr Sewnaik, Vermeij and SLP Janssen fr […]

Voice rehabilitation after Total Laryngectomy by Voice Prosthesis, 40 years later…

It’s with great pleasure we share the announcement of the “1st International course on Rehabilitation after Total Laryngectomy” organized by Prof Remacle at the CHL in beautiful Luxembourg on the 26-27th of April 2019. Including the most recent developments. Alternative rehabilitation products from Blom-Singer and Fahl will be an important part of this up-date […]

T-SToMA informs at AVG & VGL

T-SToMA was invited by two “Verenigingen Voor Gelaryngectomeerden” to inform about us and our services. Very pleasant. Thank you to both Antwerpse Vereniging voor Gelaryngectomeerden and Zelfhulpgroep Gelaryngectomeerden UZ Leuven en Vlaams Brabant.

T-SToMA at Infodag Laryngectomie, Leuven

T-SToMA is a new Belgium/Luxembourg distributor of Laryngectomty products from Fahl (Germany) and Blom-Singer Voice Prosthesis (USA). T-SToMA represents more than 50 years of experience within this field. We made our “debut” at the very nicely organised “Infodag” in Leuven April 22, 2017 where we were able for the first time to interact with both […]