Category Archives: News

T-Stoma overgenomen door MDS Medical

MDS Medical heeft met ingang van 1 januari het Belgische T-Stoma overgenomen. Door deze overname kan MDS haar expertise en dienstverlening ook op de Belgische markt toepassen en daarmee de gelaryngectomeerden en getracheotomeerden in de hele Benelux van dienst zijn. MDS Medical is al geruime tijd distributeur van de producten van FAHL in Nederland, zoals […]

T-Stoma has been acquired by MDS Medical

As of January 1 the Dutch company MDS Medical has acquired T-Stoma. This acquisition allows MDS to apply its expertise and services to the Belgian market and thus be of service to tracheotomized and laryngecomized patients throughout the Benelux. MDS Medical has been a distributor of FAHL-products in the Netherlands for some time, in the […]

LARYVOX® Simply Fix

Canula tube holders which assure the secure fixation of tracheostomy and laryngectomy tubes. Attached variably to the neck area. Broad and soft for high wearing comfort. Easily and quickly adjusted to the desired position.

New Office T-SToMA

In conjunction with the CEORLHNS 2019 in Brussels, T-SToMA arranged a very well attended welcome reception in its new office.

Laryngectomy course, Namur BE

The 1st International course in Voice and Pulmonary Rehabilitation using Alternative tools was a great success. On Dec 9th, 2017 Prof. Lawson, Prof. v d Vorst, Dr. Bonte, Mme Rijckaert, Mr Allouche attracted 60 participants from 14 countries to attend in CHU UCL Namur site Godinne, Belgium. We’re already looking forward to next year!